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use HTMLUtil;

use HTMLUtil qw(:all);


HTMLUtil module provides the following functions:

InsertHTMLTags, SetupHTMLAlignmentBegin, SetupHTMLAlignmentEnd, SetupHTMLButtonRef, SetupHTMLDivBegin, SetupHTMLDivEnd, SetupHTMLEmptyLines, SetupHTMLHRef, SetupHTMLPageEnd, SetupHTMLPageHeader, SetupHTMLPageTitle, SetupHTMLStyleSheetTags, SetupHTMLTableColumnEnd, SetupHTMLTableColumnHeader, SetupHTMLTableEnd, SetupHTMLTableHeader, SetupHTMLTableRowDataValue, SetupHTMLTableRowEnd, SetupHTMLTableRowHeader, SetupHTMLTableRowHeaderValue, SetupJavaScriptCmds, SetupStrViewerAccelrysActiveX, SetupStrViewerChem3DActiveX, SetupStrViewerChemDrawActiveX, SetupStrViewerChemDrawPlugIn, SetupStrViewerChimePlugIn, SetupStrViewerJMEApplet, SetupStrViewerJSInitCmd, SetupStrViewerJmolApplet, SetupStrViewerMarvinViewApplet


$NewTag = InsertHTMLTags($Tag, @TagsNameValue);

Inserts tag name and value pair from TagsNameValue into a exisiting Tag as TagName = "TagValue" and returns NewTag string.

$AlignmentTag = SetupHTMLAlignmentBegin([$Alignment]);

Returns an alignment begin tag string. Possible Alignment values: left, center, or right. Default: left.

$AlignmentTag = SetupHTMLAlignmentBegin([$Alignment]);

Returns an alignment end tag string.

$ButtonTag = SetupHTMLButtonRef($ButtonLabel, $FileName);

Returns a button tag string for associating onClick button event of a button with label ButtonLabel to open a file FileName.

$DivTag = SetupHTMLDivBegin($ID);

Returns a div begin tag string for div ID.

$DivTag = SetupHTMLDivEnd();

Returns a div end tag string.

$TableEndTag = SetupHTMLTableEnd();

Returns a table end tag string.

$EmptyLineTags = SetupHTMLEmptyLines([$LineCount]);

Returns an empty lines tag string for empty LineCount. Default line count: 1.

$PageHeaderTag = SetupHTMLPageHeader($HeaderTitle, [$Stylesheet, $JavaScript]);

Returns a page header tag string using HeaderTitle and using optionally specifed values for Stylesheet and JavaScript.

$HRef = SetupHTMLHRef($Label, $URL, [$Title]);

Returns a HRef tag string for setting up a URL with Label and URL with optional Title.

$PageEndTag = SetupHTMLPageEnd([$FooterMsg]);

Returns a page end tag string conating optional FooterMsg.

$PageTitleTag = SetupHTMLPageTitle($Title, [$Alignment]);

Returns a page title tag string with optional alignment. Valid alignment value: left, center, right Default alignment: center.

$StyleSheetTags = SetupHTMLStyleSheetTags();

Returns a default style sheet tag string to be used for HTML files generated by MayaChemTools.

$TableHeaderTags = SetupHTMLTableHeader([$BorderWidth, $CellPadding, $CellSpacing, $Width, $Height]);

Returns a table header tag string containing specified values for BorderWidth, CellPadding, CellSpacing, Width, and Height. Default values: BorderWidth = 1; CellPadding = 2; CellSpacing = 0; Width = NotUsed; Height = NotUsed.

$TableEndTag = SetupHTMLTableEnd();

Returns a table end tag string.

$ColumnHeaderTag = SetupHTMLTableColumnHeader([$BgColor, $Width]);

Returns a table column header tag string containing specified values for BgColor, Width. Default values: BgColor = NotUsed; Width = NotUsed.

$ColumnEndTag = SetupHTMLTableColumnEnd();

Returns a table column end tag string.

$RowHeaderTag = SetupHTMLTableRowHeader([$HAlignment, $BgColor,

Returns a table row header tag string containing specified values for HAlignment, BgColor, and VAlignment. Default values: HAlignment = center; $BgColor = NotUsed; $VAlignment = top.

$RowEndTag = SetupHTMLTableRowEnd();

Returns a table row end tag string.

$HeaderValueTag = SetupHTMLTableRowHeaderValue([$Value]);

Returns a table header row tag string using specifed Value. Default value: EmptySpace.

$RowValueTag = SetupHTMLTableRowDataValue([$Value, $BgColor, $FontColor, $FontBold]);

Returns a table row column value tag string using specified values for Value, BgColor, FontColor, and FontBold. Default values: Value = EmptySpace; BgColor = NotUsed; FontColor = NotUsed; $FontBold = NotUsed.

$JSTag = SetupJavaScriptCmds(@JSCmdList);

Returns a Java script tag string using java script commands specified in JSCmdList.

$JSTag = SetupStrViewerJSInitCmd($StrViewerType, $CodeBase);

Returns a Java script command tag string for intializing structure viewers with specified CodeBase location for viewers to be invoked as Java Applets. Supported values for StrViewerType: Jmol, ChemDrawPlugIn, ChemDrawActiveX, Chem3DActiveX.

$JMEAppletTag = SetupStrViewerJMEApplet($MolString, $CodeBase,
                 [{param => "value"}]);

Returns a JME tag string for displaying molecule using MolString along with valid optional applet parameters specified as name and value pairs. Defaul JME parameter values: name = JME; id = JME; width = 250; height = 170.

$JmolAppletTag = SetupStrViewerJmolApplet($MolString, $CodeBase, [{param => "value"}]);

Returns a JMol tag string for displaying molecule using MolString along with valid optional applet parameters specified as name and value pairs. Defaul JMol parameter values: name = Jmol; id = Jmol; width = 250; height = 170; progressbar = true; progresscolor = 0000ff; bgcolor = 000000; JMolScript = select *; set frank off; wireframe on; spacefill off.

$MarvinAppletTag = SetupStrViewerMarvinViewApplet($MolString, $CodeBase, [{param => "value"}]);

Returns a MarvinView tag string for displaying molecule using MolString along with valid optional applet parameters specified as name and value pairs. Defaul MarvinView parameter values: name = MView; id = MView; width = 250; height = 170; navmode = zoom.

$ChimePlugInTag = SetupStrViewerChimePlugIn($MolFile, [{param => "value"}]);

Returns a MDL Chime tag string for displaying molecule using MolFile along with valid optional parameters specified as name and value pairs. Defaul Chime parameter values: width = 250; height = 170; display2d = true.

$ChemDraw3DActiveXTags = SetupStrViewerChemDrawActiveX($MolFile, [{param => "value"}]);

Returns a CambridgeSoft Chem3D tag string for displaying molecule using MolFile along with valid optional parameters specified as name and value pairs. Defaul Chime parameter values: width = 250; height = 170; displaytype = BallAndStick; rotationbars = false; moviecontroller = false.

$ChemDrawActiveXTags = SetupStrViewerChem3DActiveX($MolFile, [{param => "value"}]);

Returns a CambridgeSoft ChemDraw ActiveX tag string for displaying molecule using MolFile along with valid optional parameters specified as name and value pairs. Defaul ChemDraw ActiveX parameter values: width = 250; height = 170; ViewOnly = 1; ShrinkToFit = 1; ShowToolsWhenVisible = 1.

$ChemDrawPlugInTag = SetupStrViewerChemDrawPlugIn($MolFile, [{param => "value"}]);

Returns a CambridgeSoft ChemDraw PlugIn tag string for displaying molecule using MolFile along with valid optional parameters specified as name and value pairs. Defaul ChemDraw PlugIn parameter values: width = 250; height = 170; ViewOnly = 1; ShrinkToFit = 1; ShowToolsWhenVisible = 1.

$AccelrysActiveXTags = SetupStrViewerAccelrysActiveX($MolFile, [{param => "value"}]);

Returns a Accelrys ViewerActiveX tag string for displaying molecule using MolFile along with valid optional parameters specified as name and value pairs. Defaul ViewerActiveX parameter values: width = 250; height = 170; Convert2Dto3D = 0; Mouse = 4.


Manish Sud


Copyright (C) 2024 Manish Sud. All rights reserved.

This file is part of MayaChemTools.

MayaChemTools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.



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