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use Graph::PathsTraversal;

use Graph::PathsTraversal qw(:all);


PathsTraversal class provides the following methods:

new, Copy, GetConnectedComponentsVertices, GetPaths, GetVertices, GetVerticesDepth, GetVerticesNeighborhoods, GetVerticesNeighborhoodsWithSuccessors, GetVerticesPredecessors, GetVerticesRoots, PerformAllPathsSearch, PerformAllPathsSearchWithLength, PerformAllPathsSearchWithLengthUpto, PerformBreadthFirstSearch, PerformBreadthFirstSearchWithLimit, PerformDepthFirstSearch, PerformDepthFirstSearchWithLimit, PerformNeighborhoodVerticesSearch, PerformNeighborhoodVerticesSearchWithRadiusUpto, PerformNeighborhoodVerticesSearchWithSuccessors, PerformNeighborhoodVerticesSearchWithSuccessorsAndRadiusUpto, PerformPathsSearch, PerformPathsSearchBetween, PerformPathsSearchWithLength, PerformPathsSearchWithLengthUpto, StringifyPaths, StringifyPathsTraversal, StringifyVerticesDepth, StringifyVerticesNeighborhoods, StringifyVerticesNeighborhoodsWithSuccessors, StringifyVerticesPredecessors, StringifyVerticesRoots, StringifyVerticesSuccessors


$PathsTraversal = new Graph::PathsTraversal($Graph);

Using specified Graph, new method creates a new PathsTraversal object and returns newly created PathsTraversal object.

$PathsTraversal = $PathsTraversal->Copy();

Copies PathsTraversal and its associated data using Storable::dclone and returns a new PathsTraversal object.

@Components = $PathsTraversal->GetConnectedComponentsVertices();
$NumOfComponents = $PathsTraversal->GetConnectedComponentsVertices();

Returns an array of Components containing references to arrays of vertex IDs corresponding to connected components of graph after a search. In scalar context, the number of connected components is returned.

Connected Components is sorted in descending order of number of vertices in each connected component.

@Paths = $PathsTraversal->GetPaths();
$NumOfPaths = $PathsTraversal->GetPaths();

Returns an array of Paths containing references to arrays of vertex IDs corresponding to to paths traversed in a graph after a search. In scalar context, number of paths is returned.

Paths array is sorted in ascending order of path lengths.

@Vertices = $PathsTraversal->GetVertices();
$NumOfVertices = $PathsTraversal->GetVertices();

Returns an array containing an ordered list of vertex IDs traversed during a search. In scalar context, the number of vertices is returned.

%VerticesDepth = $PathsTraversal->GetVerticesDepth();

Returns a hash VerticesDepth containing vertex ID and depth from root vertex as a key and value pair for all vertices traversed during a search.

@VerticesNeighborhoods = $PathsTraversal->GetVerticesNeighborhoods();
$NumOfVerticesNeighborhoods = $PathsTraversal->GetVerticesNeighborhoods();

Returns an array VerticesNeighborhoods containing references to arrays corresponding to vertices collected at various neighborhood radii around a specified vertex during a vertex neighborhood search. In scalar context, the number of neighborhoods is returned.

@VerticesNeighborhoodsWithSucceessors = $PathsTraversal->GetVerticesNeighborhoodsWithSuccessors();
$NumOfVerticesNeighborhoodsWithSucceessors = $PathsTraversal->GetVerticesNeighborhoodsWithSuccessors();

Returns an array VerticesNeighborhoodsWithSucceessors containing references to arrays with first value corresponding to vertex IDs corresponding to a vertex at a specific neighborhood radius level and second value a reference to an arraty containing its successors.

%VerticesPredecessors = $PathsTraversal->GetVerticesPredecessors();

Returns a hash VerticesPredecessors containing vertex ID and predecessor vertex ID as key and value pair for all vertices traversed during a search.

%VerticesRoots = $PathsTraversal->GetVerticesRoots();

Returns a hash VerticesPredecessors containing vertex ID and root vertex ID as a key and value pair for all vertices traversed during a search.

$PathsTraversal->PerformAllPathsSearch($StartVertexID, [$AllowCycles]);

Searches all paths starting from a StartVertexID with sharing of edges in paths traversed and returns PathsTraversal.

By default, cycles are included in paths. A path containing a cycle is terminated at a vertex completing the cycle.

$PathsTraversal->PerformAllPathsSearchWithLength($StartVertexID, $Length, [$AllowCycles]);

Searches all paths starting from StartVertexID of specific Length with sharing of edges in paths traversed and returns PathsTraversal.

By default, cycles are included in paths. A path containing a cycle is terminated at a vertex completing the cycle.

$PathsTraversal->PerformAllPathsSearchWithLengthUpto($StartVertexID, $Length, [$AllowCycles]);

Searches all paths starting from StartVertexID of length upto a Length with sharing of edges in paths traversed and returns PathsTraversal.

By default, cycles are included in paths. A path containing a cycle is terminated at a vertex completing the cycle.


Performs Breadth First Search (BFS) and returns PathsTraversal.

$PathsTraversal->PerformBreadthFirstSearchWithLimit($DepthLimit, [$RootVertexID]);

Performs BFS with depth up to DepthLimit starting at RootVertexID and returns PathsTraversal. By default, root vertex ID corresponds to an arbitrary vertex.

$Return = $PathsTraversal->PerformDepthFirstSearch();

Performs Depth First Search (DFS) and returns PathsTraversal.

$PathsTraversal->PerformDepthFirstSearchWithLimit($DepthLimit, [$RootVertexID]);

Performs DFS with depth up to DepthLimit starting at RootVertexID and returns PathsTraversal. By default, root vertex ID corresponds to an arbitrary vertex.


Searches vertices around StartVertexID at all neighborhood radii and returns PathsTraversal object.

$PathsTraversal->PerformNeighborhoodVerticesSearchWithRadiusUpto( $StartVertexID, $Radius);

Searches vertices around StartVertexID with neighborhood radius up to Radius and returns PathsTraversal object.

$PathsTraversal->PerformNeighborhoodVerticesSearchWithSuccessors( $StartVertexID);

Searches vertices around StartVertexID at all neighborhood radii along with identification of successor vertices for each vertex found during the traversal and returns PathsTraversal.

             PerformNeighborhoodVerticesSearchWithSuccessorsAndRadiusUpto( $StartVertexID, $Radius);

Searches vertices around StartVertexID with neighborhood radius upto Radius along with identification of successor vertices for each vertex found during the traversal and returns PathsTraversal.

$PathsTraversal->PerformPathsSearch($StartVertexID, [$AllowCycles]);

Searches paths starting from StartVertexID with no sharing of edges in paths traversed and returns PathsTraversal.

By default, cycles are included in paths. A path containing a cycle is terminated at a vertex completing the cycle.

$PathsTraversal->PerformPathsSearchBetween($StartVertexID, $EndVertexID);

Searches paths between StartVertexID and EndVertexID and returns PathsTraversal

$PathsTraversal->PerformPathsSearchWithLength($StartVertexID, $Length, [$AllowCycles]);

Searches paths starting from StartVertexID with length Length with no sharing of edges in paths traversed and returns PathsTraversal.

By default, cycles are included in paths. A path containing a cycle is terminated at a vertex completing the cycle.

$PathsTraversal->PerformPathsSearchWithLengthUpto($StartVertexID, $Length, [$AllowCycles]);

Searches paths starting from StartVertexID with length upto Length with no sharing of edges in paths traversed and returns PathsTraversal.

By default, cycles are included in paths. A path containing a cycle is terminated at a vertex completing the cycle.

$String = $PathsTraversal->StringifyPaths();

Returns a string containing information about traversed paths in PathsTraversal object

$String = $PathsTraversal->StringifyPathsTraversal();

Returns a string containing information about PathsTraversal object.

$String = $PathsTraversal->StringifyVerticesDepth();

Returns a string containing information about depth of vertices found during search by PathsTraversal object.

$String = $PathsTraversal->StringifyVerticesNeighborhoods();

Returns a string containing information about neighborhoods of vertices found during search by PathsTraversal object.

$String = $PathsTraversal->StringifyVerticesNeighborhoodsWithSuccessors();

Returns a string containing information about neighborhoods of vertices along with their successors found during search by PathsTraversal object.

$String = $PathsTraversal->StringifyVerticesPredecessors();

Returns a string containing information about predecessors of vertices found during search by PathsTraversal object.

$String = $PathsTraversal->StringifyVerticesRoots();

Returns a string containing information about roots of vertices found during search by PathsTraversal object.

$String = $PathsTraversal->StringifyVerticesSuccessors();

Returns a string containing information about successors of vertices found during search by PathsTraversal object.


Manish Sud



Copyright (C) 2024 Manish Sud. All rights reserved.

This file is part of MayaChemTools.

MayaChemTools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.



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